Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Blog Bling

My blog is all "blinged" out.  I like to keep it pretty simple though.  I've added a Yourtube link to the right as a gadget among other things.  I have embedded a video I've used in my ELA class that usually gets rave reviews.  It's probably the smartest commercial I've ever seen.  It's worth watching twice.  I use this to demonstrate personification and foreshadowing (yes, foreshadowing in a TV commercial).

How could I use a blog in the classroom?  I could use it for collaboration, and just like we did here, showcase media.  It's perfect for flipped instruction.  I could even see it as a digital portfolio that stays with students in any content area.  There is a ton of potential.  It's an opportunity for students to showcase what they know and care about.

Of the options listed, I think Blogger would be good for more authentic blogging.  Kidblog looks good for a more gated, project-based blog.  If I could have my pick, I would do Schoology school-wide.  Staff and Students would then only need to learn one platform:)


  1. Ha, that video is awesome! Thanks for posting it. I think blogging is a powerful tool, especially for ELA. It puts student work onto a much more public stage. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHHH! ha ha ha ha!
    I love that video!
