Sunday, August 26, 2012

Final Reflection Time

With the conclusion of Summer comes the conclusion of SummerCamp 2.0.  This project was great.  It really forced me to take a look at some tools I normally wouldn't have used.  Of all of them, the screencast seemed the most relevant.  It can be used for training (staff and students), flipped instruction, or for subs.  I envision a stockpile of flipped lessons across the district.  It would be great, though, to encourage teachers to collaborate and use each others' screencasts, so not everyone is re-creating the wheel in isolation.

I would love to see a PD model like this in MV.  A central location for MV teachers to use blogging as a vehicle to discuss tools/strategies that connect to the district vision.  For instance, PK-14, Equity, Personalized Learning, etc.  My favorite part would be interacting with other buildings.  Sometimes buildings tend to work in isolation.  This would help counteract that!

Have a great year!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Librarything Time

Hi Everyone,

Jenna, I stole your idea by investigating an online library catalog system.  I looked into Librarything.  It's essentially a bare-bones library database for book lovers.  It's so minimal, there isn't even an option to embed my shelf.

Here's the link though:

The feature that has me intrigued, though, is the ability to scan in your titles with a barcode scanner.  I bought the cuecat scanner off ebay for about 10 bucks a few years ago and scanned in my classroom titles into some software.  It was nice, but kids couldn't access it.  This is a tool they could access.  It would be a library system that rubs parallel to our building's catalogue.

Users can join groups and discuss books.  This seems to be the biggest attractions.  Goodreads and Shelfari do that too, and do it with much more style.

See what you think!


Google Form Time

Hi Everyone,  Here is my google form.  Give it a whirl.  It's a fun little quiz.

I LOVE Google Forms.  They are a wonderful, quick way to do a formative assessment and collect data into a spreadsheet.  I used it with my action research, and it was easy to see where students were with their reading.

1.  It's fast.  you could literally make one in 5 minutes
2.  It's in the cloud.  Easy to get to
3.  Results are on one page.  You just scan with your finger down each question to find interesting responses.
4.  You can post it in a central location.
5.  There are a lot of options for response types.

It's a great tool that I should use even more to collect quick feedback for the following day.

Oh, I also used it to collect student email info for mass emails.  Hopefully with Google Accounts, I won't have to do that again!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Infographic Time.

PLCs_vs_Job_Alikes title=

Hi Everyone.  This is my reflection of  I have never used an online graphic presentation tool like this, but I like it.  I could see this for chapter or unit reviews, rules, big concepts or just for cool info.

I think with some more development, this tool could go from good to great.  A few needs:  Ability to change fonts, Font size, and more pictures to choose from.  As anyone who also used this can tell, I just went off a template already created.  I could have spent hours making this prettier.  This is one that could suck up an evening or two!

Give it a shot and see what you think!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cloud Computing

Hi Everyone,

Here is my google doc assignment.

The idea would be to have 1-2 students take this poem and revise it to make their own using the same theme.  The link to the doc or the doc itself would be shared, student would make a copy, and go for it and send it back into the class's shared folder (that's already shared with them).

Cloud computing is amazing, and assignments like this would save a ton of paper, and allow students to have their work be more visible, which increases accountability and motivation.  It's a great way to collaborate and evaluate work.  A couple of cons, though: The learning curve and monitoring students' communication.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Study Tools

This week, I tried out Quizlet and Tagxedo.  The quizlet I created for studying a few root words seemed to go pretty well.  The way you can have kids match the words is very engaging, and much more interesting than a simple flash card app.  It was easy to create, and I'd recommend it.

The Tagxedo, on the other hand, was cool in theory, but the interface drove me nuts.  I had to update, restart, and had to start my project over several times.  As you can see, I had to upload a JPEG instead to embedding it, since the browser will not let you copy the embed code.  With some improvements to the site, I think it could be cool.  A great way to increase background knowledge or awareness of key themes.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Youtube Channel


Here is my Youtube Channel for MV.  I wish I had this 3 years ago!  I have a lot of favorited Youtube videos on my personal account, and now I will use this to compile my own videos and videos used for instruction.  Very cool.  Sorry, this video is the one I posted before...


Screencast Adventure Time

Hi Everyone,

I made a screencast with screencast-o-matic.  It was pretty painless, although I had to install some java extensions for my browser (mac).  Now that it's enabled though, I could see myself using this to share videos.

I see two great uses for this.  First, it would be great for flipped classroom instruction.  You could click through a prezi or powerpoint and have a whole lesson online for students at home.  For math and science concepts, this would be amazing.

This could also be great for professional development.  For instance, a video on how to log into staffnet, or share a calendar on Google.  They could be all on one Youtube channel and be very specific to Mounds View's needs.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prezi Action

I just pimped my presentation on Point of View with Prezi. I LOVE it. It's much more attractive than powerpoint and the best part is, it's in the cloud! The tutorials are a must, but once I got the hang of it, it became very easy to do. 

 They seem to be adding new features often, which I like. I had been using this tool off and on, but I learned about the new features and it's great. I think kids are going to come to expect dynamic, engaging presentations like these. Once again, this has "flipped classroom" written all over it!

My Story Bird - Life Lessons

Life Lessons for ages 1-100 on Storybird

For me, this was a good activity in creating meaning from pictures.  I felt like I was doing the caption contest for the New Yorker.  I think kids would LOVE this at any age.  Very, very engaging!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Blog Bling

My blog is all "blinged" out.  I like to keep it pretty simple though.  I've added a Yourtube link to the right as a gadget among other things.  I have embedded a video I've used in my ELA class that usually gets rave reviews.  It's probably the smartest commercial I've ever seen.  It's worth watching twice.  I use this to demonstrate personification and foreshadowing (yes, foreshadowing in a TV commercial).

How could I use a blog in the classroom?  I could use it for collaboration, and just like we did here, showcase media.  It's perfect for flipped instruction.  I could even see it as a digital portfolio that stays with students in any content area.  There is a ton of potential.  It's an opportunity for students to showcase what they know and care about.

Of the options listed, I think Blogger would be good for more authentic blogging.  Kidblog looks good for a more gated, project-based blog.  If I could have my pick, I would do Schoology school-wide.  Staff and Students would then only need to learn one platform:)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Introduction Time

Hi, this is my first post.
Quite honestly, I was motivated to write this blog because of the sweet video advertising it.  I also like technology and using it in the classroom.  There are always new tools, and this will give me a chance to hone in on a few I can try out next year.

I am hoping to learn about some new tools this summer.  It's near impossible to learn and implement new tech during the middle of the school year.

I am hoping to do less than I usually do this summer.  That's the whole point, right?  I am also going to my cabin for a week with no technology.  That might hurt.
