Sunday, August 19, 2012

Infographic Time.

PLCs_vs_Job_Alikes title=

Hi Everyone.  This is my reflection of  I have never used an online graphic presentation tool like this, but I like it.  I could see this for chapter or unit reviews, rules, big concepts or just for cool info.

I think with some more development, this tool could go from good to great.  A few needs:  Ability to change fonts, Font size, and more pictures to choose from.  As anyone who also used this can tell, I just went off a template already created.  I could have spent hours making this prettier.  This is one that could suck up an evening or two!

Give it a shot and see what you think!



  1. I know what you mean--I love the idea, but it could use some refining. It's a nice way to create a professional looking graphic, though. I hope infographic considers your suggestions!

  2. I really like the topic of your graphic! I'll be thinking of you as you start your new role as a dean!
